Thursday, May 13, 2004

Party #1
Last night I threw an impromptu booze party (first one) at my place for colleagues from my office. Occasion? Well for my new house ofcourse! It was a decent get-together,especially being midweek,I guess it gave all a necessary break.But it had a flip side as well, M and P dropped out,we could not carry it late into night and even hard-drinks were off the menu to avoid hangovers.However A1,A2,A3,A4,V,P and R had come.Thanks guys N gals! However 'S' was the guest of honor:) Wny? just bcoz she is the latest entry into my list of friends! Thanks for coming over 'S'. you seem to be a true blue aquarian! Nice meeting you...

BTW,people did you notice that writing no-names does not affect readability of a story at all.It also augments privacy! I remember getting a forwarded mail on some 'research' done by someone that in any given word only the first and last few characters matter the most for readability by human mind. This fact can be used for optimizing computer AI. Though I was revolted by the absurdity of the idea [Who wants to read a word document full of spelling mistakes in each word!] But now I think,that it can be given a chance! I think by the year 2050AD, we all will be anyway called by some 20 digit number tagged with some pseudo code names! Can someone file a patent on my behalf for this 'original' idea of using pseudonames at least in blogs??

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