Sunday, October 21, 2007

Craig Venter - New God ?

Craig Venter, the name doesn't ring any bells for a layman. I too heard of him recently. He is credited for his pioneering effort in sequencing the human genome few years back. I read a news about him in the news papers recently and was shocked by what he and his team claims to have achieved or will soon achieve. Its seems his team has built a synthetic chromosome out of laboratory chemicals. Though these are uncomformed reports it dawned on me that this discovery implies that he can create the first new artificial life form on Earth!!
Here is the extract from the news paper report - "American biologist Craig Venter used his knowledge of the human genome to create Mycoplasma laboratorium, a chromosome that is 381 genes long. When transplanted into a living cell, it is expected to take control of that cell and become a new ‘life form’. Until now, scientists have managed to take the genome out of one cell, put it into another cell and create an altogether new organism. But nobody knew how to create the genome itself. Venter just did that. "
This discovery, if true, will allow "Him" to play God. In time, "He" may be able to experiment with various life forms and can create hedious creatures as we see in ET based movies or create human beings who look like Roman Gods and Godesses.
I am a "limited-aethist". What it means is that my belief in God starts where science ends. There are still zillions of unsolved mysteries of nature which may force one to believe in Omnipresent God at some point. But "creation of life" was one such mystery which I always believed was as unsolvable as "is there after-life". Craig Venter and his team may be on the path to solve this mystery and redefine our concept of God. Who knows some day even human babies will be "made-to-order" in laboratories! And China, the manufacturing hub may overwhelm the world with its low quality "life-form" :-) So I sincerely wish "Him" bad-luck. Hope "He" doesn't succeed. Human life will then be so farcical. What will be difference between us and the "made-in-china" merchandise on display in Walmart?

(Btw, is the saffron brigade listening? Guys, it is not too late to change your concept of God and give up the resolve of building the financially unviable Ram-Setu bridge)

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