Monday, February 28, 2005

Say Cheese!

Honesty is a virtue. After Marriage I am trying to be more honest. It pays, you know, accpet your mistakes and save hassles or pay the price! Otherwise also I am being honest with myself these days. I have accepted the fact that I have put on some extra kilos (10 Kgs extra to be exactly honest!) and badly need to shed them. I have started some honest efforts at reducing intake (food) and increasing outflow (sweat) by giving up on yummies and picking up my latest hobby of playing basketball respectively. AK (my wifey) is good at basket ball and she is giving me some tips at being nimble footed on the court. It is a addictive game indeed, especially the shooting part :-) Though she keeps shouting at me for running my ass around the court more than just standing and aiming at the ring with one eye shut and toungue peeping out the corner of the lips. But its fun to play on basket ball court at night in floodlights and that too just the two of us..Infact thats quite romantic! ever heard of romantic basket ball! Dream team will commiy mass sucide if they read this...Anyway, I hope to improve on my dribbling and shooting very soon...and I will beat AK at her own game..maan she is good in dribbling..and yes will shed those layers of flab too !
BTW, these few extra kilos have given a whole new meaning to the photographers catch phrase "Say Cheese"! You ought to flash your dentures when someone shoots thru lense at you and is about to click ( btw, ever noticed that your eyelids are craving to blink at that precise moment?) but for me "Say cheese" means inhale deeply and hold your tummy in until you hear a thanks. Needless to say that you cant give a good smile while you are holding your breath (try that right now!) folks crux of the story is that I look like a man in desparate need of potty in most of my wedding n H-moon snaps. Thanks to cheese, It has cheesed me off!



Anonymous said...

dude ..whats with the honesty piece ?? :p ...ur just married and you are already talking abt honesty :)) ...
and shouldnt ur wife be PK or PAK
cos i didnt get the AK part ..did ye change her name ??? and yes loose the weight ..its good :))

Automotivix said...

Dude, Didnt I tell ya her after marriage name? The honesty part was only about accepting the existence of those extra kilos:-) but I am a wise man ought to be honest with wife in all matters or pay the price (hear long sermons!)